Trabea nigristernis Alderweireldt, 1999
Genus: Trabea
"Male: (n = 5) CW = 1.99 (1.80–2.20), CL = 3.04 (2.70–3.30), TL = .66 (5.30–6.30). Carapace dark brown with pale median band and two continuous pale lateral bands. Lateral bands covered with white hairs becoming denser anteriorly. Sternum dark with pale median stripe not reaching posterior margin. Chelicerae yellow with longitudinal, black stripes. Clypeus yellow with black markings. Dorsal side of abdomen brown with some black mottling and two longitudinal, black stripes; ventral side brown. Spinnerets blackish with yellow base. Legs yellow, some darker markings only on ventral and lateral side of femur I and II. Femur I with two pro-apical spines and dorsally with two large spines beside a smaller apical one. Tibia I with three pairs of ventral spines and an additional apical pair. Metatarsus I with two pairs of ventral spines and an additional apical pair. Palp femur yellow with darker base. Tibia yellow, patella and tarsus mainly black.
Female: (n = 5) CW = 2.04 (1.90–2.30), CL = 3.14 (3.00–3.50), TL = 6.12 (5.50–6.70). Carapace much paler than in male with broad pale median band and two continuous lateral bands covered with pale white hairs becoming denser in front. Sternum pale yellow with two darker stripes along sides. Chelicerae yellow, mostly with darker streaks. Clypeus yellow. Dorsal side of abdomen pale brown with two longitudinal stripes; ventrally pale with darker brown spots. Spinnerets yellow. Legs light brown to yellow. Femur I and patella I yellow with many darker brown markings. Tibia I and metatarsus I dark brown and tarsus I yellow. Ventral spination of tibia and metatarsus I as in male. Spines long and overlapping. Palp yellow to light brown, usually with darker spots and stripes." Alderweireldt, 1999
"Etymology The species name refers to the mainly dark sternum of the male which is unusual within the genus." Alderweireldt, 1999