Adelocosa anops
Female holotype: Total length, 14 mm. Carapace Sternum Labium Endite Abdomen Length 7.3 3.0 1.3 6.7 Width 5.4 2.3 1.1 4.7 Coloration: Dorsal view of carapace and abdomen as shown in fig. 17. Carapace orange to reddish brown, shiny, darkest in front, with some duskiness long side margins, faint darklinear streak from front to cervical groove and similar thin streaks radiating from this groove; entire surface covered with thin layer of fine procumbent whitish hairs and pars cephalica with few weak dusky hairs and setae. Chelicerae dark reddish brown, with numerous fine whitish hairs above and inconspicuous band of hairs below. Sternum and coxae yellow, labium and endites dark reddish brown, all set sparsely with erect blackish hairs. Legs quite bright orange above, darkest apically, paler below, with trivial brown flecks and streaks at ends of segments, clothed thinly with mixed pale and dusky hairs and set with stout black spines; scopulae on front pairs silky gray. Abdomen whitish, with coating of pale inconspicuous hairs and scattered suberect short black setae forming thin brush above pedicel. Structure: Dorsal outline of carapace and abomen as shown in fig. 17; basic features of Lycosa unless otherwise noted. Carapace longer than broad, less than half as high as broad,highest just in front of cervical groove; pars cephalica 3.8 mm across front, about 2/3 of carapace width, with cephalic sutures little evident, low and slightly curved along clypeal margin ; front smooth, without trace of eyes. Cervical groove a deep linear depression situated on posterior third of carapace. Chelicerae (fig. 15) stout; promargin with 3 teeth, middle 1 much larger; retromargin with 3 teeth, a pair near base of fang and single large tooth remote from basal pair, opposite large tooth of upper margin.
Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
I 5.9 3.2 5.6 5.1 2.3 22.1
II 5.7 3.2 5.4 5.3 2.3 21.9
III 5.5 2.7 4.7 5.5 2.2 20.6
IV 6.7 2.9 6.3 8.1 2.9 26.9
Palp 2.7 1.0 1.4 _ 2.5 7.6
Leg formula 4123. First leg 3 times, fourth leg about 3.7 times as long as carapace. Spination of first leg as follows: femur, prolateral 2 near apex, dorsal 1-1-0; patella 0; tibia, ventral 2-2-2-2; metatarsus, prolateral 1 and retrolateral 1, and ventral 2-2—; second leg like first but with additional prolateral at middle of femur and 1 near apex of tibia. Posterior legs with dorsal, lateral and ventral spines on some segments; third and fourth tibiae with basal and subapical spine. Paired claws of 3 front legs with 6 or 7, fourth legs with 9 teeth; unpaired claws without teeth. Trichobothria of tarsi and metatarsi of legs long and willowy, twice as long as those of surface lycosines. Epigynum (fig. 16) of typical Lycosa design." Gertsch, 1973
"Diagnosis: Completely eyeless lycosid, probable troglobite or edaphobite, with features readily separating it from other lycosines as noted in generic description." Gertsch, 1973
"Type Data: $ holotype (BISHOP 9880) from Koloa Cave | 2, 37 m, Koloa, KAUAI, ll. VIII. 1971, F. G. Howarth, from floor in dark zone 100 m inside cave.
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from above cave. Other Records: KAUAI: Koloa Cave t 2, 11.VIII.1971: same data as holotype, 2 Sf. paratypes; from 75m inside dark zone, £ paratype with Qgg sac containing 14 spiderlings ; from rotting wood 50 m inside dark zone, 1 immature (all collected by F. G. Howarth)." Gertsch, 1973