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Trabea straeleni
Genus: TrabeaSpecies: Trabea bipunctata
"Male: (n 5 2) CW = 1.09 (1.11–1.07), CL = 2.80 (2.78–2.82), TL = 5.18 (5.24–5.12). Carapace dark brown with a pale median band and two continuous pale lateral bands. Sternum yellow. Chelicerae yellow with short, black stripes at its base. Clypeus mainly yellow. Abdomen with dorsal side pale brown and with two longitudinal, black stripes. Ventral side mainly yellow. Spinnerets yellow. Legs yellow. Femur I with two proapical spines and dorsally with two large spines beside a smaller apical one. Tibia I with four pairs of ventral spines and an additional
apical pair. Metatarsus I with three pairs of ventral spines and an additional apical pair. Palp: femur mainly yellow but darker ventrally. Patella proximal half yellow, distal half darker. Tibia and tarsus dark brown. Tibia with long black hairs laterally. Hairs almost as long as diameter of tibia. Female: (n = 2) CW = 1.82 (1.68–1.96), CL = 2.80 (2.66–2.94), TL = 5.74 (5.60–5.88). Carapace paler than in male with broad pale median band and two continuous lateral bands. Sternum yellow. Chelicerae mainly yellow, with short black basal stripes. Clypeus yellow. Abdomen with dorsal side pale brown and with darker pattern of two longitudinal stripes. Ventrally mainly yellow. Spinnerets yellow. Legs light brown to yellow. Femora often with dark lateral stripes. Tibiae and metatarsi often with darker spots. Ventral spination of tibia and metatarsus I as in male. Palp yellow to light brown." Alderweireldt, 199