Total length 6.0 mm. Carapace: Length 3.25 mm, width 2.38 mm. Head region moderately raised, fovea short (Fig. 2A, B). Orange brown with a thin clothing ofshort adpressed black hairs. Eyes: Fig. 2A-C. Anterior row moderately procurved, medians separated by slightly more than their diameter and by 1.5 x diameter of laterals. Laterals slightly larger than medians. Eyes of second row much enlarged, and 1.5 x width of anterior row. Eyes of posterior row 0.7 x diameter of median row eyes and considerably more widely spaced. Surrounds of all eyes lack. Chelicerae: Fairly short ( 1.27 x depth of face), orange-brown, clothed in scattered black hairs. Posterior margin with three small teeth, proximal largest, anterior margin with three small teeth, middle largest. Maxillae and labium: Labium trapezoid, 0.4 x maxilla length. Both pale brownish yellow. Sternum: Pale yellow, scutate and slightly produced between coxae IV. Legs: Yellow. Spines long, flattened and tapering. Ventral spines of leg I : metatarsus 2-2-2, tibia 2-2-2-2. Underside of tibia I and I1 with a dense fringe of erect black hairs (Fig. 2E). Tarsi of legs scopulate, claws fairly long with six teeth. Patella and tibia IV 1.27 x metatarsus length. Abdomen: Pale greyish orange, clothed in short adpressed hairs. Underside and spinners pale yellow with a dark patch of hairs anterior to spinners. ,%lale pulp: Figure 1 ,4-C. Tegular apophysis with characteristic barbed spike partially obscuring base of terminal apophysis. Tip of cymbium with two rows of modified, flattened setae (Fig. 1 D) .
Total length 5.7 mm. Carapace: Length 2.8 mm, width 2.0mm. Colour and shape as in male. Eyes: As in male. Chelicerae: Slightly longer than those of male but similar in colour. Maxillae and labium: As in male. Sternum: Slightly broader than in male. Legs: Similar to those of male but lacking fringe of dark hairs beneath tibiae I and 11. Patella and tibia IV 1.37 x metatarsus length. Abdomen: Coloured as in the male. Epigyne: Fig. 2D. With a simple median plate rounded posteriorly. i’uulna: Fig. 1 1A. The secondary spermathecae are located near the base of the duct of the primary pair and are very small. Material examined. Neotype data given in synonymy. Same locality as neotype, 7 33, 7 $9,22 imms, Corsica, Sept. 1919 (BMNH Simon det.) 1 9, 1 imm. near Arles, France, sandy area May 1975 (P. D. Hillyard) 2 88. " Russell-Smith, 1982
"Biology. According to Simon (1876) this species is found in marshy areas but Tongiorgi (1968) records it from pine woods on dry, sandy soils with a well developed herbaceous ground layer." Russell-Smith, 1982
"Diagnosis. The male can be distinguished from all other species by the barbed tegular apophysis. The female is closest to T. rubriceps but is considerably larger and has a more clearly defined epigynal plate." Russell-Smith, 1982
"Distribution. The Mediterranean cost of Europe from Spain to Yugoslavia." Russell-Smith, 1982